Britain and Belarus round the calendar

Holidays in the UK

That's a good video to watch and discuss holidays in the UK


1.    What festivals do British people celebrate with the rest of Europe?
2.    When do people in Britain remember Guy Fawkes and his plot to blow up the king and the house of parliament?
3.    What do British people burn every November 5th?
4.    How are the models called?
5.    How do children make them?
6.    There are lots of fireworks on this day, aren’t there?
7.    When is Pancake Day celebrated?
8.    What do ‘pancake races’ mean?
9.    What do people eat on Pancake Day?
10.When is a very romantic day celebrated and how it is called?
11.Do people sign cards?
12.When is the Festival of ghosts and witches celebrated? And how is it called?
13.What do people do on this day?
14.People put up lots of decorations on Christmas, don’t they?
15.Where do a lot of families go in the morning?
16.What do they have after church?
17.What do they eat?
18.What do people put inside of crackers?
19.Christmas dinner is finished with a traditional Christmas pudding, isn’t it?
20.What do people put in it?
21.How is New Year’s Eve called in Scotland?
22.What do people sing at midnight?
23.Where is there always a really big party in London?


1. Christmas and Easter
2. 5th November
3. A model of Guy Fawkes
4. Guys
5. Out of old clothes
6. Yes, there are
7. In February
8. People throw pancakes in the air and race at the same time
9. Pancakes
10. St. Valentine’s Day, February 14th
11. No, they don't
12. October 31st, Halloween
13. People often have parties and children dress up as witches
14. No, they don't
15. To church
16. A special Christmas dinner
17. Roast turkey, stuffing roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts
18. A little present and a joke
19. Yes, it is.
20. A silver coin to bring good luck
21. Hogmanay
22. Auld Lang Syne
23. In Trafalgar Square

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